
Showing posts from October, 2018

Host family

Just a quick update to say that today I moved in with my lovely host family! They are a couple who have an older son (who is living in Scotland and doesn't come back till I leave) and they are wonderful. Look at the sign they made me! They are both super lovely and caring and I know I am going to to be well looked after. It is just round the corner from where I was living before too, so I know the 'barrio' reasonably well. The gym is just across the road so I have no excuses! Tomorrow I start Spanish school! It will consist of Spanish classes from 9-1, then a lunch break, then cultural activities. I think I will be doing 5 hours a week of dance lessons (which I am super super excited about) and then cooking lessons and trips out. Everything feels so surreal at the moment but I am hoping I will begin to feel at home once I have more of a routine. This morning was the first time I really missed home (which I'm quite impressed by!) but I am trusting that God's pl...

The alien has landed...

Hola! I thought I'd take a few minutes to update you all on my arrival and first few days in Bogotá. (Those of you who are prayers - I will underline any prayer requests/thanks.) I arrived safely on Friday evening (19th) - the flights were super straight forward and entering into Colombia was much easier than it could have been.  The only slight difficulty was trying to fill in a customs form in Spanish whilst in the air (thankfully I had downloaded google translate and we had some friendly Colombian students sat near us!) I am currently living with the Latin Link short term co-ordinator for Latin Link and his wife who are flipping amazing. They have made me feel so welcome and helped us with sorting everything out and with a lot of translation!  I am sharing a room with another wonderful Strider (Anisa) - it is a blessing to have someone to share the new experiences with!  I will probably move at the end of this week to live with a wonderful lady (who lives supe...