The first step

I thought I'd make a blog for those of you who want to be kept updated about my time in Colombia and, for those who pray, I will underline anything that I would appreciate prayer for (thanks in advance)! My flight is booked for 19th October.. eeeek!

I am currently unemployed... filling the time before I go! There are quite a few things still to do, so my plan for the next few weeks is to make sure I am really ready. The next thing on my to-do list is apply for a Visa - something that has seemed quite complicated! I also need to read a few books, watch some documentaries (doesn't sound quite so bad after all) and keep learning Spanish - that is the plan for the next few days and weeks.

I am in a strange place at the moment, flitting between excitement and nerves. I very much like my home bubble so I am starting to feel a little strange about leaving it. My biggest concern at the moment is being away from my much loved friends and family for 9 months, though I know in reality I will meet new people and form great new friendships. I am sure once the 9 months is up I won't want to leave! I am so excited to encounter a different culture and adapt to how things work in a place that isn't Surrey as I know that I have got a lot to learn. God doesn't just hang out in Surrey so why not go to Bogotá to hang out with him?!

I am blessed to have this time to spend with people here, process things and prepare properly. I look forward to updating you once I have arrived in Bogotá!

Mucho amor amigos,
Rachel x


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