Break my heart for what breaks yours...

Hola! Thought it was about time I gave you a little update, though to be honest this mostly involves some reflections rather than specifics about what I've been up to. I'm not even going to underline prayer requests in this.. it's pretty obvious. (Sorry if this doesn't read very well, it was quite tricky to write and doesn't flow easily.)

Today was an interesting day. It was brilliant, in so many ways, but also interesting. Today my heart broke that little bit more for this city.

On the bus, on the way to my project, I sometimes seen a lone prostitute stood on the street corner. Not often, but every now and then. There is a particular area that we go through where I see this (bear in mind this is at 8.30am). Today, on my way home at 4pm, I saw at least 6. It gave me a little more incite into the deepness of this problem - it isn't just on those days that I see 1 that 1 prostitute exists. This is happening all day every day. And my heart broke just that little more for these people.

In the same location, and going on to where my project is, there are also an incredible number of people taking drugs. I often observe and pray as we drive past, and this morning I felt like every other person was taking drugs. Many of these people have open wounds, damaged legs, no home. My heart just continues to break. These people feel they have no choice. They are people, just like you and I, but they've been thrown things in life that have made it too difficult to bear. 

Let me clarify, this is a selection of people, not everyone is like that. I hate the perception that many people have of Colombia, usually based on drugs, and I want to stand up for this city and country and say there is so much more to this place! The landscapes, the wildlife, not to mention the generosity and kindness of the people.

That leads me to today in my project. I have been so challenged lately on loving these kids - sometimes it's frustrating because they don't listen, or they swear at me in Spanish and let's be honest, I don't even know, and today, a kid bit me on the hand. Yes it hurt, and it still hurts. But my reaction wasn't necessarily what I expected. I sort of expected to be cross, tell the kid off and then not speak to them for the rest of the day. Now deep down, I know I'm not like that. I have worked with tricky kids before and as a rule all I want to do is help them, but every now and then it just gets too much.

But this kid is 3. I don't know what their home life is like or what they have been through, but I can't imagine it is great. So they bit me. They then went off in a strop and sat in the corner with a scowl on their face. So I sat next to them. Asked them some simple questions, some relating to their behaviour, others not. They said nothing. Didn't even look at me! So I just played with the same bricks they were playing with alongside them for about 15 minutes. Then they started throwing them at me. Then I played with another kid - they then came along and picked up all the pieces of our game, stood on the table and threw them round the room. Now that's a kid that needs love. I'm not saying it's easy (the bite mark on my hand proves that!), but it's all Jesus would do. Love, love, love. These kids need to see that. I am now determined to build a good relationship with this kid and show them the love of Jesus. 

If that sounds all 'wow look at me showing the love of Jesus, aren't I great', that's really not how it is. I'm challenged by it, wanting to do it, often failing. 

These children and some of the people here need your prayers (well everyone needs prayer!), so if you're a prayer, get cracking.

Rach x

PS For obvious reasons I don't have any relevant pictures, so here's a picture of the view from the big wheel in the theme park from last Saturday (was a great and sunny day - sorry is that rubbing it in?!)


  1. Great writing, great sentiment- what gem you are to take the time to write and paint these pictures of what life is like. I'm so super proud of you, for seeing and caring about these people and for being there. Cheering you on and praying for you and those people you see xxxxxxx


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