Today was the day!

Hey friends... (Prayer requests underlined as per)

Today I started my project! It feels super strange, and slightly ridiculous, that I have been here for 3 months and not started, but trust me.. I really needed the time in the Spanish School!

I turned up today expecting lots of children.......however there were only 3 when I arrived at 9am this morning! This did increase to 6 throughout the day! The lady who runs the project said next week there will be many more and that it is unusual for there to be so few. 

The morning started super chill, we were given yoghurts to have for breakfast... but we were quickly tasked with thinking of activities for the children. I switched straight into think-on-your-feet teaching mode and had the children draw the person to their left. Given I cannot draw I was quite impressed with mine.. here's the picture (don't worry, you're allowed to laugh!):

Afterwards, I tried to explain the game where you draw the head, fold it, pass the piece of paper on (in Spanish)... there were mixed results! All good learning steps ha.
Then we played a few games of 'Tingo, tingo, tango' (duck, duck, goose) and some other active games with the children. 
It was then almost time for lunch, and we were promptly handed a Bible and asked to read/pray with the children. I remained calm... until I was reading some verses from the Bible and a child stopped me and said 'Can you do it in Spanish please, I don't understand English?'... the problem here... I WAS SPEAKING SPANISH. I promptly allowed Anisa to read in her clearly better Spanish accent! Pahaa, thankfully I found it quite amusing (and I best practise reading the Bible in Spanish out loud!).

After lunch, we did some maths and writing with the children. Obviously at this point I was in my element (secretly love a bit of column addition). Here's a short clip of me trying to teach a child how to work out what the missing number was in 8+_=10 .... it didn't go particularly well and my teacher friends should be ashamed of me!

We sharpened lots of pencils, played a few more games and left at about 4.30pm. My commute was just over an hour - could have been a lot worse so I am super grateful that it was straightforward!

On another note - our day was slightly interrupted in the morning on hearing of a car bomb that had gone off about 5 miles from where we were. This is the first in a number of years, and hopefully the last. The death toll continues to increase along with the number of injured.

I will update you again soon!

Rachel xxx


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