The past few days...

The past few days have involved some eye opening experiences... (prayer requests underlined).

This weekend just gone was a Latin Link retreat weekend. They have them twice a year in Colombia and it just so happened to fall fairly soon after our arrival! We headed off on the bus to a town a couple of hours away called Fusagasuga (a great name hey)! As we headed out of the bus terminal my heart slightly broke. Tens, more realistically probably hundreds, of Venezuelans were camped out by the terminal, most with not even a tent, just a bit of material attached to the wall. Many of them were trying to sell things to us through the bus window, including their money as their biggest note is worth less than the smallest Colombian coin (I think).. it was so horrid and sad to see, and it was strange to then arrive at a nice house in a sunny town. Hard to process I guess. 

On the way, I also began to see more poverty. The further south we got, lots of the houses and shops were more self built and blocks of flats were barely seen. You could see the houses on the mountains pretty much stacked on top of each other. 

The weekend was a good time to rest and spend time together as a team, doing some devotionals and sharing meals together. Yesterday was a bank holiday here (they have something like 19 a year!) and so my host parents took me and Anisa to see some amazing graffiti then we went to a part of Bogota that has lots of markets etc. Here are just a few of the paintings:

So lots to process, lots to pray about and lots of great things to be thankful to God for.


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