My project (y Feliz Navidad!)

Hola amigos! I hope December is treating well and you are looking forward to Christmas! (Prayer requests underlined, yeah, I'm sure you get it by now!) Yesterday I went to visit my project for the first time! It was amazing, overwhelming, brilliant and eye-openin g. I met the lady who runs the project and oh my days. She is amazing. She starts cooking for the children at 4am.. and the children are then often there a few hours later and she often still has children there at 7pm. 6 days a week. She has very little help and is an absolute trooper! Her heart for the children is so obvious and the things she does for them is wonderful. There have been times when she has picked children up from hospital because their parents aren't interested.. I am so excited to work with this wonderful lady and learn from her. We were told some of the children's stories... my goodness. Absolutely horrific. Some of them don't have parents because they've been murdered, or their pa...